Vol. 004

To-do app, tabs manager, sweater, workout guide

1 actionable item

2 Useful web applications

1 Physical item recommendation

1 Health tip

+/- 1 random tidbit

Actionable Item 📒

  1. Be present. Social media, TV, axie infinity, or other metaverse games, and everything between our time and attention is almost non-existent. Everyone is trying to steal your time. Yes, steal. Our time is finite. Each choice your make closes another whether intentional or not. Try and be intentional in at least one thing you do today. Can be as simple as feeling the sun rays lighting up your skin, feeling the slight temperature change at that moment, knowing there is a complex metabolic reaction occurring. Of could be in your next conversation with your significant other. Drop everything. Just start.

Useful web applications 🎊

  1. Clementine: A web app that has notes, tasks, bookmarks. It’s minimalistic, has a great UI, and will start using it with my current note-taking app reflect.

  2. Tab Extend: Tabs, notes, and to-dos arranged in a fashion that flows with your internet browsing. If I used chrome I would likely use this for my workflow.

Physical item recommendation ⌛️

  1. Cotopaxi: This “do good” sweater is comfortable and is my go-to.

Health tip 💪

  1. Musclewiki: Looking for a specific muscle group to work out? Check out this website. Actually useful.

Random Tidbit🎰

  1. Cana: Want a molecular beverage printing device? Apparently, it makes an infinite amount of drinks. They deconstruct the molecular composition and rearrange them to deliver your drink. If actually successful this will change the beverage landscape. Here is a video that goes deeper.

Go out and do great things,


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